Auxis thazard quiz

Frigate tuna

What species is this, and why?

This fish is Auxis thazard because the patterned dorsal area extends anterior of the pectoral-fin tip, in other words, the patterned dorsal area and pectoral-fin tip overlap.

This fish is Auxis thazard because the patterned dorsal area extends anterior of the pectoral-fin tip, in other words, the patterned dorsal area and pectoral-fin tip overlap.

This fish is Auxis thazard because the patterned dorsal area extends anterior of the pectoral-fin tip, in other words, the patterned dorsal area and pectoral-fin tip overlap.

Way to go!

This fish is Auxis thazard because the patterned dorsal area extends anterior of the pectoral-fin tip, in other words, the patterned dorsal area and pectoral-fin tip overlap.

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