Bigeye tuna
Drag and drop the caudal fin belonging to Thunnus obesus into the drop zone.

The caudal fin of Thunnus obesus has a smooth trailing edge of caudal fin. The centre tail is Thunnus obesus. Left is Scomber australasicus, right is Acanthocybium solandri.
The caudal fin of Thunnus obesus has a smooth trailing edge of caudal fin. The centre tail is Thunnus obesus. Left is Scomber australasicus, right is Acanthocybium solandri.
Drag and drop the markings belonging to Thunnus obesus into the drop zone.

Thunnus obesus is bottom right, having a series of vertical, broken and widely spaced silver lines, alternating with rows of irregular dots occurring mostly below the mid lateral line. Left is Scomberomorus guttatus, top is Thunnus albacares.
Thunnus obesus is bottom right, having a series of vertical, broken and widely spaced silver lines, alternating with rows of irregular dots occurring mostly below the mid lateral line. Left is Scomberomorus guttatus, top is Thunnus albacares.
Drag and drop the pectoral fin belonging to Thunnus obesus into the drop zone.

The Pectoral fin of adult Thunnus obesus is the bottom right. They are long extending to the second dorsal finlet, narrow, often curved downward and with a flexible, pointed tip. Left is Thunnus alalunga, top is Thunnus tonggol.
The Pectoral fin of adult Thunnus obesus is the bottom right. They are long extending to the second dorsal finlet, narrow, often curved downward and with a flexible, pointed tip. Left is Thunnus alalunga, top is Thunnus tonggol.
Drag and drop the swimbladder of Thunnus obesus into the drop zone.

The swim bladder of Thunnus obesus is usually inflated along its entire length, occupying the entire portion of the body cavity. Thunnus obesus is located on the bottom. The top swim bladder is of Thunnus albacares.
The swim bladder of Thunnus obesus is usually inflated along its entire length, occupying the entire portion of the body cavity. Thunnus obesus is located on the bottom. The top swim bladder is of Thunnus albacares.
Drag and drop the liver of Thunnus obesus into the drop zone.

The liver of Thunnus obesus has lobes that are roughly equal in length and a striated surface. The Thunnus obesus liver is on the top. The bottom liver is of Thunnus albacares.
The liver of Thunnus obesus has lobes that are roughly equal in length and a striated surface. The Thunnus obesus liver is on the top. The bottom liver is of Thunnus albacares.