Carcharhinus sealei

Blackspot shark CCI
Characteristic features:
  1. First dorsal-fin moderately tall, strongly falcate
  2. Second dorsal fin with conspicuous dusky to black tip, but all other tips plain
  3. Interdorsal ridge usually present
  4. Snout moderately long, narrowly parabolic (when viewed from underneath)
  5. Upper teeth with strongly oblique cusps, flanked on one side by strong smooth-edged cusplets
  6. Lower teeth narrow, upright, often with cusplets

Pale brownish to grey dorsally, whitish ventrally. Second dorsal fin with conspicuous dusky to black tip, usually diffuse edged or poorly defined. All other fin tips plain or with pale outer margin.


Maximum size up to 95 cm TL; birth size 33–36 cm TL.


Found throughout much of the Indo–West Pacific.


Mostly demersal in inshore waters, from the surf zone down to at least 40 m depth.


Feeds on small bony fish, crustacean and cephalopods. Length at maturity is 68–75 cm TL and >80 cm TL for females and males respectively. Reproductive mode is viviparous with yolk sac placenta; gestation period is ~9 months and give birth to a litter of 1–2 pups.

Indonesian fisheries:

Irregularly caught by bottom trawl and inshore demersal gillnet fisheries. Utilised for its fins and meat, is of limited value due to its small size.

Similar species:

Carcharhinus tjutjot
Indonesian whaler shark

Carcharhinus tjutjot

Carcharhinus tjutjot differs in having differs in having a first dorsal fin not falcate (vs. strongly falcate); snout broadly parabolic (vs. narrowly parabolic); upper teeth flanked on one side by strong, serrated cusplets (vs. flanked on one side by strong smooth-edged cusplets) and lower teeth without cusplets (vs. often with cusplets).

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