Mobula thurstoni

Bentfin devilray
Characteristic features:
  1. Disc broad and short
  2. Dorsal fin white tipped
  3. Sting absent
  4. Spiracles circular, located below pectoral fin origin
  5. Mouth located on underside of head

Dorsal surface dark bluish back  to black with purplish hues. Dorsal fin with distinct white tip, becoming faint in adults. Ventral surface mostly white, pectoral fin tips silver, a blackish margin along anterior disc becoming broad and distinctive at curved area of pectoral fin.


Up to 189 cm DW; born at 6585 cm DW.


Probably circumglobal in tropical and subtropical waters.


Pelagic, mainly coastal, in waters less than 100 m deep.


Feeds primarily on euphausid and mysid shrimp. Females are mature by 154 cm DW, and males by 150–154 cm DW. Gestation period estimated to be 12 months.

Similar species:

Mobula mobular
Japanese devilray, giant devilray

Mobula japanica


Mobula mobular differs in having a straight anterior pectoral fin margin (vs. anterior pectoral fin margin concaved); spiracles slit like (vs. circular) and spiracles located on dorsal surface of head (vs. located below pectoral fin origins).

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