Characteristic features:
All keys adapted from Matsuura, 2001
Balistidae genera
- Caudal peduncle distinctly depressed, wider than deep Abalistes species
- Caudal peduncle compressed 2
- Teeth red, 2 upper teeth projecting and canine-like Odonus niger
- Teeth white, not greatly projecting 5
- Anterior part of cheek largely naked, its posterior part covered with scales smaller than those of body Pseudobalistes species
- Cheek entirely or except for a fold at the corner of mouth covered with scales 6
- Upper and lower profiles of head prominently convex, giving the body a distinctive ovoid shape; body uniformly black or deep indigo Melichthys species
- Upper and lower profiles of head not prominently convex, either concave, straight, or slightly convex; body not uniformly black or deep indigo, but variously coloured with blotches and/or lines 7
- Longitudinal scale ridges extend only a short distance forward of caudal peduncle Balistoides species
- Longitudinal scale ridges extend to at least middle of body Sufflamen species
- Three to 6 naked longitudinal, somewhat oblique grooves on cheek; mouth slightly, but distinctly supraterminal Xanthichthys species
- Cheek evenly scaly, without naked grooves; mouth terminal Canthidermis maculata
- Third dorsal-fin spine developed, extending above dorsal edge of body; caudal peduncle with 2 longitudinal rows of large anteriorly projecting spines Balistapus undulatus
- Third dorsal-fin spine minute, extending slightly above dorsal edge of body; caudal peduncle with 3–5 longitudinal rows of small spines Rhinecanthus species
Abalistes species
- 3 or 4 longitudinal grooves on cheek; upper and lower caudal fin lobes filamentous (except on small juveniles) Abalistes filamentosus
- No longitudinal grooves on cheek; caudal fin without filamentous lobes (in adults and sub adults) Abalistes stellatus
Balistoides species
- Cheek entirely covered with scales; ventral part of body with large rounded white spots Balistoides conspicillum
- A naked longitudinal fold behind corner of mouth; ventral part of body without white spots Balistoides viridescens
Melichthys species
- Soft dorsal and anal fins pale with prominent black margins; caudal fin pale pink with a white base Melichthys vidua
- Soft dorsal and anal fins dark to black with a longitudinal pale line at base; caudal fin black, sometimes with a narrow white margin 2
- Caudal fin rounded; caudal fin black without white margin; scale rows from corner of mouth to lower end of gill opening 27–31 Melichthys indicus
- Caudal fin emarginate to lunate; caudal fin sometimes with a white margin; scale rows from corner of mouth to lower end of gill opening 20–25 Melichthys niger
Pseudobalistes species
- Five or 6 longitudinal scale ridges on caudal peduncle ; soft dorsal and anal fins rounded, not elevated anteriorly in adults Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus
- No scale ridges on caudal peduncle; soft dorsal and anal fins elevated anteriorly in adults Pseudobalistes fuscus
Rhinecanthus species
- Distinctive black triangular mark on posterior body/caudal peduncle Rhinecanthus rectangulus
- No distinctive black triangular mark on posterior body/caudal peduncle 2
- Uppermost row of small spines on posterior body much shorter than lower 2 rows; a large elliptical black blotch on lower side of body Rhinecanthus verrucosus
- Lowermost row of small spines on posterior body much shorter than upper 2 rows; no large elliptical black blotch on lower side of body Rhinecanthus rectangulus
Sufflamen species
- Two vertical curved dark bands next to gill opening, the anterior band through eye curving downward to lower part of pectoral-fin base, the posterior band from upper part of pectoral-fin base towards middle of, but not reaching to, spinous dorsal fin Sufflamen bursa
- No vertical dark black bands next to gill opening 2
- Caudal fin with a broad white posterior margin; pale vertical band under eye (may fade after death) Sufflamen chrysopterum
- Caudal fin uniformly dark; a narrow pale line often present under chin Sufflamen fraenatum
Xanthichthys species
- Cheek with 3 slightly oblique dark brown grooves; upper half of body with longitudinal dark brown lines Xanthichthys lineopunctatus
- Cheek with 5 or 6 slightly oblique grooves; body without longitudinal dark brown lines 2
- A thin, irregular longitudinal pale, sometimes blue line on sides from pectoral-fin base to upper part of caudal peduncle vertical orange stripe behind eye Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus
- No longitudinal blue line on body; chin area blue Xanthichthys auromarginatus
Similar families:

Monacanthidae differs in having 2 dorsal-fin spines, with only the first long and prominent (vs. 3 dorsal-fin spines, all long and prominent); body very compressed (vs. only slightly compressed); scales minute (vs. large) and smaller and fewer teeth in jaws (vs. larger and more numerous).