Lutjanus papuensis

Papuan snapper
Characteristic features:

Reddish brown above and orange below; pelvic and anal fins yellowish.


Up to 35 cm TL.


Distributed throughout the tropical waters of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.


Coral reefs, from 6 to at least 15 m depth.


Likely to feed on fishes and some invertebrates. Papuan snapper are usually solitary, but are occasionally found in small groups. Little is known about its biology or ecology.

Indonesian fisheries:

Probably caught with handlines, traps and gill nets.

Similar species:

Lutjanus boutton
Button snapper

Lutjanus boutton

Lutjanus boutton differs in having a preopercular notch well developed (vs. poorly developed); vomerine tooth patch without medial posterior extension (vs. with medial posterior extension) and yellowish grey on upper body (vs. bluish or grey on upper body).

Lutjanus fulvus
Blacktail snapper

Lutjanus fulvus

Lutjanus fulvus differs in having a preopercular notch well developed (vs. indistinct); vomerine tooth patch without medial posterior extension (vs. with medial posterior extension); broad yellow rim around posterior eye (vs. no rim); caudal fin black with narrow white posterior margin (vs. caudal fin bluish or grey) and no markings on upper pectoral fin base (vs. dark spot).

Lutjanus lunulatus
Lunartail snapper

Lutjanus lunulatus

Lutjanus lunulatus differs in having a vomerine teeth without medial posterior extension (vs. with medial posterior extension) and a distinctive black crescent on caudal fin (vs. caudal fin bluish grey) and pectoral fins yellow (vs. yellow with dark black spot on upper pectoral fin base).

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