Acanthocybium solandri

Wahoo WAH
Characteristic features:

Bluish with many dark vertical bars on sides which extend to below the lateral line.



Up to 250 cm TL (210 cm FL) and up to 83 kg in weight.


Circumglobal in tropical and subtropical waters.

No FAO distribution map available.


Offshore pelagic; found from the surface to at least 340 m depth.


Mostly eats fish, but also squid. Wahoo are solitary or form loose aggregations. They are possibly migratory, however little is know about their migration patterns. This species is fast growing and usually reaches maturity within the first year of life. Off the Atlantic coast of Florida and the Bahamas, the age and length at which 50% of female wahoo reach maturity was 0.64 years, and 92.5 cm FL respectively,1 while female wahoo off eastern Australia reach a length at 50% maturity at 104.6 cm FL.2 The spawning season varies regionally, in eastern Australia spawning occurs in spring to summer between October and February, where females display batch spawning and spawn every 2–3 days. This species is highly fecund producing between 0.44 and 1.67 million eggs per individual. Larger females produce more eggs than smaller females. Estimated average age is 5–6 years,3 but can reach a maximum age of 9 years.4

Indonesian fisheries:

Caught primarily by surface trolling.

Similar species:

Grammatorcynus bilineatus
Double-lined mackerel

Grammatorcynus bilineatus

Grammatorcynus bilineatus differs in having 2 lateral lines (vs. a single lateral line).

Scomberomorus spp.

Scomberomorus commerson
Scomberomorus commerson

Scomberomorus spp. differs in having a shorter snout, a deeply forked caudal fin (vs. double emarginate); 1–8 gill rakers on upper and lower lobes of first gill arch (vs. none) and 13–22 first dorsal-fin spines (vs. 23–27 spines).

External links:
  1. Jenkins KLM, McBride RS. Reproductive biology of wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the Atlantic coast of Florida and the Bahamas. Marine and Freshwater research. 2009;60(9):893–7.
  2. Zischke MT, Farley JH, Griffiths SP, Tibbetts IR. Reproductive biology of wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, off eastern Australia. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2013;23(4):491–506.
  3. Oxenford HA, Murray PA, Luckhurst BE. The biology of wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) in the western central Atlantic. Gulf and Caribbean Research. 2003;15(1):33–49.
  4. McBride RS, Richardson AK, Maki KL. Age, growth, and mortality of wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the Atlantic coast of Florida and the Bahamas. Marine and Freshwater Research. 2008;59(9):799–807.