Isurus paucus

Longfin mako LMO
Characteristic features:

Dorsal surfaces blueish to bluish grey (becoming dark grey after death). Ventral surfaces dusky to whitish.


Maximum size up to ~430 cm TL; size at birth size 92–97 cm TL.


Probably circumglobal in all tropical waters however records are sporadic.
View FAO distribution map.


Oceanic, epipelagic species that is thought to be deep-dwelling.


Probably feeds primarily on pelagic fish and cephalopods, dolphin remains have also been found in stomach content analysis studies. Length at maturity is ~245 cm TL and ~190–228 cm TL for females and males respectively. Litter size is 2–8 pups. Little else is known about the biology of this species. Rare compared to shortfin mako

Indonesian fisheries:

Caught irregularly by the tuna and shark longline fisheries. Utilised for its meat (lower quality), fins (high value in adults), jaws (highly prized), skin and cartilage.

Similar species:

Isurus oxyrinchus
Shortfin mako

Isurus oxyrinchus

Isurus oxyrinchus differs in having a less pointed snout that is dusky ventrally (vs. a more pointed snout that is white ventrally) and pectoral fins about as long as head (vs. pectoral fins far shorter than length of head).

Prionace glauca
Blue shark

Prionace glauca

Prionace glauca differs in having a asymmetrical caudal fin, with a much longer upper lobe and shorter lower lobe (vs. caudal fin lunate, with upper and lower lobes of similar length).

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