Epinephelus corallicola

Coral grouper
Characteristic features:

Greyish with well-separated black spots (smaller than pupil), several faint dark blotches along posterior base of dorsal fin.


Up to 49 cm TL.


West Pacific in tropical waters.


Estuaries and silty reefs, from 1 to 30 m depth.

Similar species:

Epinephelus longispinis
Longspine grouper

Epinephelus longispinis

Epinephelus longispinis differs in having a preopercle with enlarged serrations (vs. finely serrate); posterior nostril not much larger than anterior nostril (vs. posterior nostril 5–6 times larger than anterior nostril in fish >15 cm SL); small dark reddish brown, widely spaced spots over head and anterior body, spots become elongate and closer on posterior body (vs. widely spaced small black spots over all of head and body).

Epinephelus magniscuttis
Spotted grouper

Epinephelus magniscuttis

Epinephelus magniscuttis differs in having preopercle angular, finely serrated (vs. rounded, with 2–4 large serrae); posterior nostril not much larger than anterior nostril (vs. posterior nostril 5–6 times larger than anterior nostril in fish >15 cm SL) and no spots on body below level with pectoral fins, or on the anal fin or paired fins (vs. spots over all of head, body and all fins).

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