Pristipomoides multidens

Goldband jobfish LRI
Characteristic features:
  1. Dorsal and anal fins without scales basally
  2. 48–50 lateral-line scales
  3. 20–22 gill rakers on first gill arch

Yellowish to pinkish, 2 golden stripes on snout and cheek, top of head with transverse brown reticulations, dorsal fin with yellowish stripes and spots.


Up to 100 cm TL.


Indo-West Pacific in tropical waters.


Coral and rocky reefs, from 40 to 360 m depth.


Feeds primarily on fishes, but also crustaceans, cephalopods and other benthic invertebrates. Occurs in schools. Goldband jobfish are a slow growing, late maturing and long lived species. Length at first maturity has been estimated at 30.0 cm FL1 and length where 50% of individuals reach maturity was 47.0 cm FL. Age at 50% maturity was estimated at 8 years.2 Estimated maximum age is 30 years off the coast of northwestern Australia.2

Indonesian fisheries:

Caught mainly with handlines.

Similar species:

Pristipomoides filamentosus
Crimson jobfish

Pristipomoides filamentosus

Pristipomoides filamentosus differ in having 57–62 lateral-line scales (vs. 48–50) and 22–26 gill rakers on first gill arch (vs. 20–22).

Pristipomoides flavipinnis
Goldeneye jobfish

Pristipomoides flavipinnis

Pristipomoides flavipinnis differs in having 2 golden stripes on snout and cheek (vs. golden stripes absent); 22–27 gill rakers on first gill arch (vs. 20–22) and 59–63 lateral line scales (vs. 48–50).

Pristipomoides sieboldii
Lavender jobfish

Pristipomoides sieboldii

Pristipomoides sieboldii differs in having 69–74 lateral-line scales (vs. 48–50) and 28–33 gill rakers on first gill arch (vs. 20–22).

Pristipomoides typus
Sharptooth jobfish

Pristipomoides typus

Pristipomoides typus differs in having 23–26 gill rakers on first gill arch (vs. 20–22).

Internal links:
External links:
  1. Lokani P, Pili H, Richards A, Tiroba G. Estimation of the unexploited biomass and maximum sustainable yield for the deep reef demersal fishes in Papua New Guinea. In: United States Agency for International Development and National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Tropical Fish Stock Assessment’(Eds JJ Polovina and RS Shomura) National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Technical Report NMFS-SWFSC-148 [Internet]. 1990. p. 29–54. Available from:
  2. Newman SJ, Dunk IJ. Age validation, growth, mortality, and additional population parameters of the goldband snapper (Pristipomoides multidens) off the Kimberley coast of northwestern Australia. Fishery Bulletin [Internet]. 2003;101(1):116–28. Available from: