Gnathanodon speciosus

Golden trevally GLT
Characteristic features:

Smaller individuals golden yellow with 4 main black bars on sides and thinner bars in between; anal fin yellow; caudal fin yellow with black tips; black spot on upper margin of operculum, fading with increasing size; adults more silvery.


Up to 120 cm TL.


Indo-West Pacific in tropical waters.


Found inshore including rocky reefs, deep lagoons and over sandy bottoms to 40 m depth. Juveniles found in estuarine areas.


A bottom feeder feeding on crustaceans, mollusks and small fishes hidden in crevices and sand. Juveniles follow larger fish and sharks.

Indonesian fisheries:

Caught mainly by gill nets.

Similar species:

Carangoides spp.

Carangoides coeruleopinnatus
Turrum coeruleopinnatus

Carangoides spp. differ in having the upper jaw with 1 or 2 rows of teeth (vs. upper jaw with a few small teeth in juveniles, and no teeth in adults) and not having vertical black bands (vs. 7–11 black bands along body).

Caranx spp.

Caranx ignobilis
Caranx ignobilis

Caranx spp. differ in having the upper jaw with an outer series of moderate sized canines, and an inner band of fine teeth (vs. upper jaw with a few small teeth in juveniles, and no teeth in adults) and not having vertical black bands (vs. 7–11 black bands along body).

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