Nesiarchus nasutus

Black gemfish NEN
Characteristic features:
  1. Body elongate and very compressed
  2. Single, straight lateral line
  3. Dermal process on tip of both jaws
  4. 19–21 spines on first dorsal fin, and 1 spine and 19–24 soft rays on second dorsal fin
  5. Pelvic fins small
  6. 2 small spines at anterior of anal fin

Head and body dark brown with a purple sheen; fin membrans black; anus margin black.


Up to 135 cm TL.


Circumglobal in tropical and temperate waters.


Bentho- to mesopelagic, over the continental slope from 200 to 1,200 m depth.


Feeds on fishes, squids and crustaceans.

Similar species:

Thyrsitoides marleyi
Black Snoek

Thyrsitoides marleyi differs in having a double lateral line (vs. single).

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